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Autodesk revit 2018 structure fundamentals – metric free
PDF Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals Metric Autodesk Authorized Publisher rapidly. In the house, workplace, or perhaps in your method can be every best place within net connections. If you wish to download and install the autodesk revit structure fundamentals metric autodesk authorized publisher, it is utterly simple then, past. To take full advantage of Building Information Modeling, the Autodesk ® Revit ® Structure Fundamentals student guide has been designed to teach the concepts and principles from building design through construction documentation using the Autodesk ® Revit ® Structure software. This student guide is intended to introduce students to the user interface Reviews: 4. Download Free Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals Metric Autodesk Authorized Publisher Rapidly Upskill. With Our Benchmark Assessments And Rapid Learning Methodology – Your Team Can Start At Just The Right Spot And Develop A.
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Description About Book Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals – Metric From Amazon To take full advantage of Building Information Modeling, the Autodesk® Revit® ۲۰۱۸ Structure Fundamentals student guide has been designed to teach the concepts and principles from building design through construction documentation using the Autodesk. Preface Overview To take full advantage of Building Information Modeling, the Autodesk® Revit® Structure Fundamentals student guide has been designed to teach the concepts and principles from building design through construction documentation using the Autodesk® Revit® Structure software. This student guide is intended to introduce students to the . To take full advantage of Building Information Modeling, the Autodesk® Revit® Structure Fundamentals student guide has been designed to teach the concepts and principles from building design through construction documentation using the Autodesk ® Revit ® Structure software. This student guide is intended to introduce students to the user interface and the /5(3).
Autodesk revit 2018 structure fundamentals – metric free
B-2 B. B-5 B. B-8 B. B B. B Issuing Revisions B Annotating Views B Schedule Properties B Material Takeoff Schedules B Command Summary C-1 Index This student guide is intended to introduce students to the user interface and the basic building components of the software that makes it a powerful and flexible structural modeling tool.
The goal is to familiarize you with the tools required to create, modify, analyze, and document the parametric model. Topics Covered Introduction to the Autodesk Revit software Basic drawing and editing tools Setting up levels and grids Working with views Starting a structural project based on a linked architectural model Adding structural columns and walls Adding foundations and structural slabs Structural reinforcement Beams, trusses, and framing systems Analytical models and placing loads Project practices to reinforce learning Construction documents Annotating construction documents Detailing Scheduling Note on Software Setup This student guide assumes a standard installation of the software using the default preferences during installation.
Lectures and practices use the standard software templates and default options for the Content Libraries. Students and Educators Can Access Free Autodesk Software and Resources Autodesk challenges you to get started with free educational licenses for professional software and creativity apps used by millions of architects, engineers, designers, and hobbyists today.
Bring Autodesk software into your classroom, studio, or workshop to learn, teach, and explore real-world design challenges the way professionals do.
Get started today – register at the Autodesk Education Community and download one of the many Autodesk software applications available. Visit www. The software is for personal use for education purposes and is not intended for classroom or lab use.
After receiving a B. She is skilled in leading individuals and small groups to understand and build on their potential. Practice Files The Practice Files page tells you how to download and install the practice files that are provided with this student guide.
Page 2 of 6 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals Chapters Each chapter begins with a brief introduction and a list of the chapter’s Learning Objectives. Instructional Content Each chapter is split into a series of sections of instructional content on specific topics. These lectures include the descriptions, step-by-step procedures, figures, hints, and information you need to achieve the chapter’s Learning Objectives.
Page 3 of 6 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals Practices Practices enable you to use the software to perform a hands-on review of a topic. Some practices require you to use prepared practice files, which can be downloaded from the link found on the Practice Files page. Chapter Review Questions Chapter review questions, located at the end of each chapter, enable you to review the key concepts and learning objectives of the chapter.
It contains a list of the software commands that are used throughout the chapter, and provides information on where the command is found in the software. Autodesk Certification Exam Appendix This appendix includes a list of the topics and objectives for the Autodesk Certification exams, and the chapter and section in which the relevant content can be found. Icons in This Learning Guide Page 5 of 6 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals The following icons are used to help you quickly and easily find helpful information.
New in Indicates items that are new in the Autodesk Revit software. Enhanced in Indicates items that have been enhanced in the Autodesk Revit software. Click Check None. Select only the Structural Columns category and click OK.
The total number of Structural Columns in the selection set displays in the Status Bar as shown in Figure In Properties, the display indicates that multiple Families are selected. Click in empty space to clear the selection. Zoom in on the lower left corner of the building and select one Structural Column as shown in Figure In the Type Selector, the column name and type are displayed as shown in Figure The total number of this type of column displays in the Status Bar by Filter and in Properties.
The view regenerates and the selected columns are updated to the new type. Press to release the selection set. Task 2: Using temporary dimensions 1.
Zoom out to see the entire building. Select Grid C. If the temporary dimensions are not displayed, in the Options Bar, click Activate Dimensions. The temporary dimensions are automatically connected to the closest structural elements.
Use the Move Witness Line controls on the temporary dimensions and move them to the nearest grid lines as shown in Figure Click Make this temporary dimension line permanent. Page 19 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals 7. Click in empty space to release the selection. The new dimensions are now part of the view. Select Grid C again.
Click Activate Dimensions, if required. Select the lower dimension text and change it to mm as shown in Figure The model regenerates and the percentage of completion is displayed in the Status Bar as shown in Figure This change is being made to the grid and throughout the model, wherever elements touch the grid. Save and close the project.
Additional modifying tools can be used with individual elements or any selection of elements. Other tools are covered later. For most modify commands, you can either select the elements and start the command, or start the command, select the elements, and press to finish the selection and move to the next step in the command.
Page 20 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals Figure Moving and Copying Elements The Move and Copy commands enable you to select the element s and move or copy them from one place to another.
You can use alignment lines, temporary dimensions, and snaps to help place the elements, as shown in Figure Hint: Nudge Nudge enables you to move an element in short increments. When an element is selected, you can press one of the four arrow keys to move the element in that direction. The distance the element moves depends on how far in or out you are zoomed.
Select the elements you want to move or copy. In the Modify panel, click Move or Copy. A boundary box displays around the selected elements. Select a move start point on or near the element. Use alignment lines and temporary dimensions to help place the elements.
When you are finished, you can start another modify command using the elements that remain selected, or switch back to Modify to end the command. If you start the Move command and hold , the elements are copied. Constrain Restricts the movement of the cursor to horizontal or vertical, or along the axis of an item that is at an angle.
This keeps you from selecting a point at an angle by mistake. Constrain is off by default. Disjoin Breaks any connections between the elements being moved and other elements. If Disjoin is on, the elements move separately.
If it is Move only off, the connected elements also move or stretch. Disjoin is off by default. Multiple Enables you to make multiple copies of one selection. Multiple is off by default. Page 21 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals Copy only These commands only work in the current view, not between views or projects.
Hint: Pinning Elements If you do not want elements to be moved, you can pin them in place, as shown in Figure Select the elements and in the Modify tab, in the Modify panel, click Pin. Pinned elements can be copied, but not moved. If you try to delete a pinned element, a warning dialog displays reminding you that you must unpin the element before the command can be started.
Rotating Elements The Rotate command enables you to rotate selected elements around a center point or origin. You can use alignment lines, temporary dimensions, and snaps to help specify the center of rotation and the angle. You can also create copies of the element as it is being rotated. How To: Rotate Elements 1. Select the element s you want to rotate. In the Modify panel, click Rotate or type the shortcut RO.
The center of rotation is automatically set to the center of the element or group of elements, as shown on the top in Figure To change the center of rotation as shown on the bottom in Figure , use the following: Drag the Center of Rotation control to a new point. In the Options Bar, next to Center of rotation, click Place and use snaps to move it to a new location. Press to select the center of rotation and click to move it to a new location.
Note To start the Rotate command with a prompt to select the center of rotation, select the elements first and type R3. In the Options Bar, specify if you want to make a Copy select Copy , type an angle in the Angle field as shown in Figure , and press.
You can also specify the angle on screen using temporary dimensions. Figure 5. The rotated element s remain highlighted, enabling you to start another command using the same selection, or click Modify to finish. The Disjoin option breaks any connections between the elements being rotated and other elements.
If Disjoin is on selected , the elements rotate separately. If it is off cleared , the connected elements also move or stretch, as shown in Figure Disjoin is toggled off by default.
Figure Mirroring Elements The Mirror command enables you to mirror elements about an axis defined by a selected element, as shown in Figure , or by selected points. Select the element s to mirror. This prompts you to select an element as the Axis of Reflection mirror line. This prompts you to select two points to define the axis about which the elements mirror.
The new mirrored element s remain highlighted, enabling you to start another command, or return to Modify to finish. By default, the original elements that were mirrored remain. To delete the original elements, clear the Copy option in the Options Bar. Hint: Scale The Autodesk Revit software is designed with full-size elements.
Therefore, not much should be scaled. For example, scaling a wall increases its length but does not impact the width, which is set by the wall type. However, you can use reference planes, images, and imported files from other programs. Scale in Creating Linear and Radial Arrays The Array command creates multiple copies of selected elements in a linear or radial pattern, as shown in Figure For example, you can array a row of columns to create a row of evenly spaced columns on a grid, or array a row of parking spaces.
The arrayed elements can be grouped or placed as separate elements. Note A linear array creates a straight line pattern of elements, while a radial array creates a circular pattern around a center point. Select the element s to array. In the Modify panel, click Array or type the shortcut AR. In the Options Bar, click Linear. Specify the other options as required. Page 24 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals 5.
Select a start point and an end point to set the spacing and direction of the array. The array is displayed. If Group and Associate is selected, you are prompted again for the number of items, as shown in Figure Type a new number or click on the screen to finish the command. To make a linear array in two directions, you need to array one direction first, select the arrayed elements, and then array them again in the other direction. Group and Associate Creates an array group element out of all arrayed elements.
Groups can be selected by selecting any elements in the group. Number Specifies how many instances you want in the array. Move To: 2nd specifies the distance or angle between the center points of the two elements.
Last specifies the overall distance or angle of the entire array. Constrain Restricts the direction of the array to only vertical or horizontal Linear only. Angle Specifies the angle Radial only. Center of rotation Specifies a location for the origin about which the elements rotate Radial only. In the Modify panel, click Array.
In the Options Bar, click Radial. Drag Center of Rotation or use Place to the move the center of rotation to the appropriate location, as shown in Figure Note Remember to set the Center of Rotation control first, because it is easy to forget to move it before specifying the angle.
In the Options Bar, type an angle and press , or specify the rotation angle by selecting points on the screen. Modifying Array Groups When you select an element in an array that has been grouped, you can change the number of instances in the array, as shown in Figure For radial arrays you can also modify the distance to the center.
Open the project Practice-Model-Editing-M. Select Grid A and the structural column that is at the intersection. Hint: hold to select more than one element. In the Options Bar, select Multiple, as shown in Figure Pick a point anywhere along the grid line for the start point. Move the cursor down below the grid line and type mm. Create two more copies which are mm apart for a total of four horizontal grid lines. Click Modify to exit the command. Select Grid 1 and the four columns along Grid 1.
Copy the elements to the right at a distance of mm until you have a total of four vertical grid lines with the associated columns. Renumber the grid lines as shown in Figure Zoom in on column A1. Select the column but not the grid line. Move and move it mm to the left as Figure Save the project. Task 2: Rotate elements 1. Select Grid 1. In the Options Bar, click Place and select the midpoint of column D1 as the center of rotation.
To start rotating, select the intersection of grid lines A1. To finish rotating, select the midpoint of the column you moved earlier as shown in Figure Select column A1 and click Rotate.
The center point is in the correct location. For the start angle, select a point to the right along Grid A as shown in Figure For the second angle, select a point along Grid 1, as shown on the left in Figure The column is now rotated perpendicular to the angle of Grid 1 as shown on the right in Figure Repeat the process for the rest of the columns along Grid 1. Task 3: Mirror elements 1.
Delete Grid 4 and its columns. You are going to mirror Grid 1 and its columns to this place. Draw a vertical line between Grid 2 and Grid 3 and use temporary dimensions to set the distances from each grid to mm as shown in Figure , and click Modify to end. Select Grid 1 and all of the columns in the grid. To select multiple elements, draw a window around the group or hold as you select. Select the vertical reference plane that you created earlier as shown in Figure Renumber the new grid line to 4.
Task 4: Array elements 1. Select column A3. Click Copy and copy column A3 to the right by mm. The new column is selected. A Warning box opens.
This issue is corrected in later steps. Relocate the center of the array by dragging In the Options Bar, set the Angle to and press. The new columns display along the arc with the number still selected as shown in Figure Change the number to 6. Move the elevation marker out of the way. In the Draw panel, click Grid. Pick Lines. Move the cursor over the area of the array as shown in Figure When an arc displays, select it.
Click Modify. Drag the grid bubbles down past the columns and rename the new grid A. Figure Aligning Elements The Align command enables you to line up one element with another, as shown in Figure Most Autodesk Revit elements can be aligned.
For example, you can line up the tops of windows with the top of a door, or line up furniture with a wall. Figure How To: Align Elements 1. Select a line or point on the element that is going to remain stationary. For walls, press to select the correct wall face. Select a line or point on the element to be aligned.
The second element moves into alignment with the first one. The Align command works in all model views, including parallel and perspective 3D views. Page 34 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals You can lock alignments so that the elements move together if either one is moved.
Once you have created the alignment, a padlock is displayed. Click on the padlock to lock it, as shown in Figure Note Locking elements enlarges the size of the project file, so use this option carefully. Figure Select Multiple Alignment to select multiple elements to align with the first element. You can also hold to make multiple alignments. For walls, you can specify if you want the command to prefer Wall centerlines, Wall faces, Center of core, or Faces of core, as shown in Figure The core refers to the structural members of a wall as opposed to facing materials, such as sheet rock.
Figure Splitting Linear Elements The Split Element command enables you to break a linear element at a specific point. You can use alignment lines, snaps, and temporary dimensions to help place the split point.
After you have split the linear element, you can use other editing commands to modify the two parts, or change the type of one part, as shown with walls in Figure Note You can split walls in plan, elevation or 3D views. The Split Element command works with structural columns and framing elements.
The command respects connections, justifications, and other settings. Move the cursor to the point you want to split and select the point. Repeat for any additional split locations. Modify the elements that were split, as required. Page 35 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals The Delete Inner Segment option is used when you select two split points along a linear element.
When the option is selected, the segment between the two split points is automatically removed. An additional option, Split with Gap , splits the linear element at the point you select as shown in Figure , but also creates a Joint Gap specified in the Options Bar.
Note This command is typically used with structural precast slabs. When selecting elements to trim, click the part of the element that you want to keep. The opposite part of the line is then trimmed. Select the first linear element on the side you want to keep. Select the second linear element on the side you want to keep, as shown in Figure Select the cutting or boundary edge.
Select the linear element to be trimmed or extended, as shown in Figure Select the linear elements that you want to trim or extend by selecting one at a time, or by using a crossing window, as shown in Figure For trimming, select the side you want to keep. You can click in an empty space to clear the selection and select another cutting edge or boundary. Figure Offsetting Elements The Offset command is an easy way of creating parallel copies of linear elements at a specified distance, as shown in Figure Walls, beams, braces, and lines are among the elements that can be offset.
If you offset a wall that has a door or window embedded in it, the elements are copied with the offset wall. Page 37 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals Figure The offset distance can be set by typing the distance Numerical method shown in Figure or by selecting points on the screen Graphical method.
If this option is not selected, the Offset command moves the element the set offset distance. In the Options Bar, select the Numerical option.
In the Options Bar, type the required distance in the Offset field. Move the cursor over the element you want to offset. A dashed line previews the offset location. Move the cursor to flip the sides, as required. Click to create the offset. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 to offset other elements by the same distance, or to change the distance for another offset. With the Numerical option, you can select multiple connected linear elements for offsetting.
Hover the cursor over an element and press until the other related elements are highlighted. Select the element to offset all of the elements at the same time. Start the Offset command. In the Options Bar, select Graphical. Select the linear element to offset. Select two points that define the distance of the offset and which side to apply it.
You can type an override in the temporary dimension for the second point. Page 38 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals Most linear elements connected at a corner automatically trim or extend to meet at the offset distance, as shown in Figure Note Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes In this practice you will use Split and Trim to clean up existing walls in a project.
You will then offset the entire foundation from the centerline, as shown in Figure , where it can support an architectural brick facade. Figure Task 1: Split and trim elements 1. Open the project Practice-Model-Modify-M. Select the horizontal foundation wall on Grid line A. Page 39 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals 3. Select the intersection of the reference plane and the foundation wall along Student Guide A as shown in Figure Select the horizontal wall as shown in Figure Remember to select the side of the wall that you want to keep.
Select the curved wall. The walls are trimmed as shown in Figure If the Reset analytical model warning opens, close it. Repeat the process on the other end. Hover the cursor over one of the foundation walls but do not select the wall. The blue alignment line should display on the inside of the wall but outside of the student guide line. All of the foundation walls are selected as shown in Figure Once all of the walls are highlighted and the blue alignment line displays on the outside of the grid line, select a point.
The foundation is offset from the grid line as shown in Figure Press to finish the command. Save and close the model. What is the purpose of an alignment line? Displays when the new element you are placing or modeling is aligned with the grid system. Page 41 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals b.
Indicates that the new element you are placing or modeling is aligned with an existing object. Displays when the new element you are placing or modeling is aligned with a selected tracking point.
Indicates that the new element is aligned with true north rather than project north. When you are modeling not editing a linear element, how do you edit the temporary dimension, as that shown in Figure ? Select the temporary dimension and enter a new value.
Type a new value and press. How do you select all structural column types, but no other elements in a view? In the Project Browser, select the Structural Column category. Select all of the objects in the view and use d. Select one structural column, and click Filter to clear the other categories. Select Multiple in the ribbon. What are the two methods for starting Move or Copy?
Start the command first and then select the objects, or select the objects and then start the command. Start the command from the Modify tab, or select the object and then select Move or Copy from the shortcut menu. Start the command from the Modify tab, or select the objects and select Auto-Move. Where do you change the wall type for a selected wall, as shown in Figure ? Select the dynamic control next to the selected wall and select a new type in the drop-down list.
In Properties, select a new type in the Type Selector drop-down list. Both Rotate and Array with Radial have a center of rotation that defaults to the center of the element or group of elements you have selected.
How do you move the center of rotation to another point as shown in Figure ? Select the center of rotation and drag it to a new location. In the Options Bar, click Place and select the new point.
Which command would you use to remove part of a wall? Split Element b. Wall Joins c. Cut Geometry d. Demolish 8.
Which of the following are ways in which you can create additional parallel walls, as shown in Figure ? Select an existing wall, right-click and select Create Offset. Use the Offset tool in the Modify tab. Page 43 of 46 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals c.
Select an existing wall, hold and drag the wall to a new location. Use the Wall tool and set an offset in the Options Bar. Which command do you use if you want two walls that are not touching to come together, as shown in Figure ?
Edit Wall Joins b. Join Geometry d. Link Revit models into the project so that you can design the structural project. Add levels to define floor to floor heights and other vertical references.
Copy and monitor elements from linked Revit models so that you know when changes have been made. Run Coordination Reviews to identify changes between the current project and any linked models. In addition, many renovation projects start with existing 2D drawings. Instead of redrawing from scratch, link or import the CAD file as shown in Figure and trace over it in the Autodesk Revit software.
DWG and. DXF, Microstation. SAT, and Sketchup. SKP files. Figure Linking vs. Importing Linked files: Become part of the project, but are still connected to the original file. Use them if you expect the original file to change.
The link is automatically updated when you open the project. Imported files: Become part of the project and are not connected to the original file. Use them if you know that the original file is not going to change. Open the view into which you want to link or import the file. For a 2D file, this should be a 2D view. For a 3D file, open a 3D view. Select a file format in the Files of Type drop-down list to limit the files that are displayed.
Set the other options as outlined below. This is especially useful if you are working with a 2D floor plan that you only need to have in one view. Colors Specify the color settings. Typical Autodesk Revit projects are mainly black and white.
However, other software frequently uses color. You can Invert the original colors, Preserve them, or change everything to Black and White. Layers are in. DWG files, while levels are in. DGN files. Import units Select the units of the original file, as required.
Auto-Detect works in most cases. It is selected by default. The default position is Auto-Origin to Origin. If linking the file, Auto-By Shared Coordinates is also available.
Place at Select a level in which to place the imported file. If you selected Current view only, this option is grayed out. When a file is positioned Auto-Origin to Origin, it is pinned in place and cannot be moved. To move the file, click on the pin to unpin it, as shown in Figure Figure Setting an Imported or Linked File to Halftone To see the difference between new elements and the linked or imported file, you can set the file to Halftone, as shown in Figure Select the imported file.
Figure 4. DWG file as the base floor plan for a project, move elevation markers in the current project to match the footprint of the building, and modify the visibility graphics of the linked file so that it displays in halftone, as shown in Figure In the Application Menu, click New.
In the New Project dialog box, click Browse…. Click Open, and then click OK. If you do not have this version, the template has been provided in the practice files folder. The default structural template automatically opens in Level 2. Set or verify the options as follows: Select Current view only. Zoom to the extents of the view. Cookie Settings Accept All. Manage consent. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.
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Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals, Book – SDC Publications – {{l10n_strings.ADD_TO_A_COLLECTION}}
English Pages Year Exploring Autodesk Revit for Structureis a comprehensive book that has been written to cater to the needs of the st.
Covering all of the major techniques, this book uses both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad drawing and. Commercial Design Using Autodesk Revit is designed for the architectural student using Revit The intent is to. Revit all-stars present a fast, focused introduction to Revit functions, tools, and concepts Hailed for its ease of use,. Autodesk Smoke for Mac combines familiar tools for non-linear video editing with powerful features for digital compositi.
For courses in Inventor. Table of contents : Preface A-1 A. A-2 Saving Workset- Related Files A-4 Command Summary A-6 Appendix B: Additional Tools B-1 B.
B-2 B. B-5 B. B-8 B. B B. B Issuing Revisions B Annotating Views B Schedule Properties B Material Takeoff Schedules B Command Summary C-1 Index This student guide is intended to introduce students to the user interface and the basic building components of the software that makes it a powerful and flexible structural modeling tool.
The goal is to familiarize you with the tools required to create, modify, analyze, and document the parametric model. Topics Covered Introduction to the Autodesk Revit software Basic drawing and editing tools Setting up levels and grids Working with views Starting a structural project based on a linked architectural model Adding structural columns and walls Adding foundations and structural slabs Structural reinforcement Beams, trusses, and framing systems Analytical models and placing loads Project practices to reinforce learning Construction documents Annotating construction documents Detailing Scheduling Note on Software Setup This student guide assumes a standard installation of the software using the default preferences during installation.
Lectures and practices use the standard software templates and default options for the Content Libraries. Students and Educators Can Access Free Autodesk Software and Resources Autodesk challenges you to get started with free educational licenses for professional software and creativity apps used by millions of architects, engineers, designers, and hobbyists today. Bring Autodesk software into your classroom, studio, or workshop to learn, teach, and explore real-world design challenges the way professionals do.
Get started today – register at the Autodesk Education Community and download one of the many Autodesk software applications available. Visit www. The software is for personal use for education purposes and is not intended for classroom or lab use. After receiving a B. She is skilled in leading individuals and small groups to understand and build on their potential. Practice Files The Practice Files page tells you how to download and install the practice files that are provided with this student guide.
Page 2 of 6 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals Chapters Each chapter begins with a brief introduction and a list of the chapter’s Learning Objectives. Instructional Content Each chapter is split into a series of sections of instructional content on specific topics. These lectures include the descriptions, step-by-step procedures, figures, hints, and information you need to achieve the chapter’s Learning Objectives. Page 3 of 6 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals Practices Practices enable you to use the software to perform a hands-on review of a topic.
Some practices require you to use prepared practice files, which can be downloaded from the link found on the Practice Files page. Chapter Review Questions Chapter review questions, located at the end of each chapter, enable you to review the key concepts and learning objectives of the chapter.
It contains a list of the software commands that are used throughout the chapter, and provides information on where the command is found in the software. Autodesk Certification Exam Appendix This appendix includes a list of the topics and objectives for the Autodesk Certification exams, and the chapter and section in which the relevant content can be found.
Icons in This Learning Guide Page 5 of 6 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals The following icons are used to help you quickly and easily find helpful information. New in Indicates items that are new in the Autodesk Revit software. Enhanced in Indicates items that have been enhanced in the Autodesk Revit software. Understanding the software interface and terminology enhances your ability to create powerful models and move around in the various views of the model.
Navigate the graphic user interface, including the ribbon where most of the tools are found , the Properties palette where you make modifications to element information , and the Project Browser where you can open various views of the model. Open existing projects and start new projects using templates. Use viewing commands to move around the model in 2D and 3D views. The BIM process supports the ability to coordinate, update, and share design data with team members across disciplines.
It enables you to create complete 3D building models as shown on the left in Figure that provide considerable information reported through construction documents, and enables you to share these models with other programs for more extensive analysis.
Figure The Autodesk Revit software is considered a Parametric Building Modeler: Parametric: A relationship is established between building elements: when one element changes, other related elements change as well.
For example, if you add an element in a plan view, it also displays in all of the other views. Building: The software is designed for working with buildings and the surrounding landscape, as opposed to gears or highways. Modeler: A project is built in a single file based on the 3D building model, as shown on the left in Figure All views, such as plans as shown on the right in Figure , elevations, sections, details, construction documents, and reports are Page 2 of 38 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals generated based on the model.
It is important that everyone who is collaborating on a project works in the same version and build of the software. Workflow and BIM BIM has changed the process of how a building is planned, budgeted, designed, constructed, and in some cases operated and maintained.
In the traditional design process, construction documents are created independently, typically including plans, sections, elevations, details, and notes. Sometimes, a separate 3D model is created in addition to these documents. Changes made in one document, such as the addition of a light fixture in a plan, have to be coordinated with the rest of the documents and schedules in the set, as shown in Figure Plans, elevations, and sections are simply 2D versions of the 3D model, while and schedules are a report of the information stored in the model.
Changes made in one view automatically update in all views and related schedules. Even Construction Documents update automatically with callout tags in sync with the sheet numbers. This is called bidirectional associativity. Note By creating complete models and associated views of those models, the Autodesk Revit software takes much of the tediousness out of producing a building design. Figure Revit Terms Page 3 of 38 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals When working in the Autodesk Revit software, it is important to know the typical terms used to describe items.
Views and reports display information about the elements that form a project. There are three types of elements: Model, Datum, and View-specific, as shown in Figure and described below: Views Enable you to display and manipulate the model.
For example, you can view and work in floor plans, ceiling plans, elevations, sections, schedules, and 3D views. You can change a design from any view. All views are stored in the project. Reports Reports, including schedules, gather information from the building model element that can be presented in the construction documents or used for analysis.
Model Elements Include all parts of a building such as walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, doors, windows, plumbing fixtures, lighting fixtures, mechanical equipment, columns, beams, furniture, plants and many more. Host elements support other categories of elements. Hosted elements must be attached to a host element.
Standalone elements do not require hosts. Datum Elements Define the project context such as the levels for the floors and other vertical distances, column grids, and reference planes. Viewspecific Elements Only display in the view in which they are placed.
The view scale controls their size. These include annotation elements such as dimensions, text, tags, and symbols as well as detail elements such as detail lines, filled regions, and 2D detail components. Autodesk Revit elements are “smart”: the software recognizes them as walls, columns, plants, ducts, or lighting fixtures.
This means that the information stored in their properties automatically updates in schedules, which ensures that views and reports are coordinated across an entire project, and are generated from a single model. Figure Revit and Construction Documents In the traditional workflow, the most time-consuming part of the project is the construction documents. With BIM, the base views of those documents i. The views are then placed on sheets that form the construction document set.
For example, a floor plan is duplicated. Then, in the new view, all but the required categories of elements are hidden or set to Page 4 of 38 Autodesk Revit Structure Fundamentals halftone and annotations are added. The plan is then placed on a sheet, as shown in Figure Work can continue on a view and is automatically updated on the sheet. Annotating views in the preliminary design phase is often not required.
You might be able to wait until you are further along in the project. Figure 1. The interface is shown in Figure Quick Access Too bar 6. Properties Palette 2. Status Bar 7.
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